Thursday 2 February 2012

When You Start

I have quite a few opinions, but it seems to me that unless I talk about them (or write) I'll just end up as an old, very angry, cat lady who shouts at people for no apparent reason.

I don't really want that to happen.  So I made a blog.

You're reading it now...

I was thinking about beginnings when I started this blog, about they're the start of something and are therefore special, and that there ought to be something momentus to remember the day by.  And the best I could do was to find something that February 2nd is special for.  And then dedicate this blog post to that.

So, here are a few things about the second of February.

  • It's the 32nd day of the year by the Georgian calender, and there are 333 days left of 2012.  Because it's a leap year.
  • On 2nd February 1536, a spaniard named Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • In 1901, February 2nd was the funeral of Queen Victoria.
  • And on Feb 2nd 1922, Ulysses by James Joyce was published.
And now you've learned four things; or you've just been told four things you already knew.

I've decided that I like this idea, so at the beginning of each blog post I do, I'll give at least three historical events to mark the day.

A blog is something I've thought about for a long time, and several people encouraged me to start one, my cousin for one, who things that my views on most things are quite interesting, and my mother, who thinks I ought to post a few things I've said to her in the past.  In fairness my mother supports me in most things.

She thinks I'd do well by translating books by people like Tolkien into 'modern-speak' because sometimes I read to her and express the opinion that it would make so much more sense if half the words were cut out.  Not that Tolkien's work isn't brilliant, and I'd never dream of actually changing something he did thinking to better it.  But a lot of people I know don't read as much as they would if they understood half the words they were reading.

Of course, I'm going on the assumption that you read.

I hope you do, books are good.

My dad got a Kindle for his birthday.  I can see how they're a good idea, but only on the basis that it's easier to take a Kindle on holiday as opposed to twenty books.  Which I do.  But nothing will ever make me get rid of my books, nothing.  Because nothing will ever give me the same tranquil feel I get from the way paper feels and the way books just smell sort of sweet and dusty.  One day I plan to live in a library.

One without computers.

I suppose that would probably result in my death by burning.  Not on purpose, but it just seems the greatest hazard in the place full of books, short of dying of natural causes.  And that's just such a boring way to go.

I think I'm done rambling now.  Next time I'll explain why the blog title is what it is.

Toodle-Pip my lovelies.